
Remapping Memories

The Remapping Memories exhibition offers an opportunity to revisit our collective memory, adding depth and complexity to what we see, think and know. Through the lens of Arthur Bondar’s archival collection of World War II negatives – over 30,000 images – this project highlights the human aspect of forgotten, hidden and rediscovered personal stories and micro-histories often overlooked in dominant historical narratives.

Nature itself bears witness to history, with ‘contaminated landscapes’ holding memories of war and peace. Memory works in an associative way, perceiving connections to our own experiences and history. A peaceful countryside, a quiet forest, a beautiful riverbank – these may not be just scenes of natural beauty and picturesque aesthetics. Max Sher’s texts provide an additional narrative thread, interwoven with the archive images, but existing as their own distinct commentary. His words highlight the power of context to alter our perception and invite the viewer to look beyond the surface of each image.

In cooperation with The Museum der Trostfrauen @trostfrauen and The History Workshop “Leonid Lewin” Minsk, and personally Aliaksandr Dalhouski @alex_dalhouski.

This exhibition is the result of the continuing research and collaboration of many people from the very first steps to the final stage, and we’re really grateful to everyone who helped make this happen and contributed to our shared history.

Idea and archival collection: Arthur Bondar @arthurbondar
Texts: Max Sher @m_a_x_sher
Curator: Oksana Yushko @yushkooksana
Designer: Konstantin Eremenko @eremenko_viscom

Museum der Trostfrauen, Berlin @trostfrauen
c/o Korea Verband e.V.
Quitzowstraße 103
10551 Berlin
20-27 October, 2024
Opening: 19 October, 4PM

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